Kamis, 08 November 2007

TeLeCoMMuNIcaTioNS NetWorK

Growth of telecommunications technology felt faster, especially at full speed him progress of computer technology and of informatika. Telephone channel, which initially just for voice communications, now have exploited many also for the communicationses of data, picture and text or graph. More than anything else with global computer network appearance is so-called Internet, marriage [among/between] information technology and this telecommunications will make world reside in Your grasp.

How with network phone for that?

Conceiving, if/when in this time You hold a Laptop, later;then with medium phone Your cellular step into network of Internet, hence You have earned nature melanglang. You communicate with kolega residing in in other continent, pass sura, text, data, image and even video. But, that thing will not be executed better if/when existing telephone network still less support especially the speed of or to the number of datas able to be channelled [by] per set of time. To that, Indonesia during near by will operate Digital Network [of] Inwrought Service ( JDPT) or more knowledgeable with original term [of] him as Digital Integrated Services [of] Network ( ISDN). Many obtained advantages if/when telephone communications, faksimil, text, video, data transmission, computer network and picture use service of ISDN this. Among others is speed of which can of mencapau 144 Kbps ( Kilobit per second) or even till 2 Mbps ( Megabit per second). ISDN can be described as [by] telecommunications network [pass/through] isn't it telephone network, which can serve application voice and non voice like data, text, image, and video [at] one [is] same network. this Network technology [of] initiative by H. Shimada at one particular meeting of CCITT year 1971. Later;Then, application of ISDN immediately form after CCITT recommend standard of Red Book ( 1985) and standard of Blue Book ( 1988) in the form of Narrow Band ( N-Isdn). ISDN developed from network phone laboured in order not to make a change by base [at] central [of] telephone which there [are]. Cause in this time basically telephone network which have spread over widely [in] world have used digital technique [at] transmission shares and of switching-nya. If us follow news during one last half a decay, Indonesia have intensively broaden network and change entire/all central [of] analogous telephone ( telephone ).

aringan project installation equal to 5 million set of extension ( SST) by the end of PELITA VI. Till now have been executed [by] [job/activity] [is] equal to foreign partner for the development of telecommunications [in] Indoensia. Noted [by] company of Japan telecommunications, NEC in development of STDI II ( NEAX-61) and of AT & T ( 5ESS). Beside the existence of effort improve service amount and quality , directly and indirectly, this is good effort for the memperlancar of evolution up at JDPT.

Posting ini dibuat juga oleh:

1.Aristya D

2.Fahmi H
3.Rahmanda F
4.Reza L

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